fine art photography
This series Urban Wilderness approaches the way we experience landscape while living in an urban environment. The idealized perceptions of beaches, mountains, palm trees and blue skies belie the stress of living in densely populated cities teeming with traffic. These photographs explore what surrounds the urban core and are a balm to city life. They are social landscapes, incorporating the natural landscape but they are distinctly not about the natural world. My work in photography examines the impact of human intervention on the erasure of land and culture. I mix documentarian traditions of lens-based capture with appropriated images from popular culture. In blurring the boundaries between high and low art forms, I am contemplative of the role of photography as a commodity in and of itself.



Hwy 111

Mt. San Jacinto

Salt Lake

Salt River

The Baby Resort

Crib Extra

Room with a View


Ulu Tree

Flame Flower

Breeze Block Palm

Forest Path

Shadow Tree

Lyon Roots

Banyon Roots

Hale Tree

War Memorial
